Hi Doc.
I did a deep cleaning 2 years ago but my problem is that I have deep gaps pockets that it never heals no matter how much I go and have my teeth cleaned. Now my teeth are so sensitive that is so painful. I try to go back to the doc and have my teeth cleaned but I can’t do it because of the pain. Please I what can I do. I am 53 years old. I never have problems with my teeth but sense I did the deep cleaning now I have this problem. I feel like it was a mistake to have the deep cleaning done. I am desperate and in too much pain. 😢 Please help—tell me what to do.
– Lisandra
(See Dr. Hall’s answer below.)
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You clearly have serious gum disease and need to get that taken care of or you will lose all your teeth.
As to why you have this pain when you have your deep cleaning, I’m not clear about that. Deep cleaning, when it is done correctly, can be painful, so it should be done under local anesthetic. The gums are usually infected and inflamed, and the teeth have to be cleaned clear down to the attachment of the tooth to the gums. That’s why it is called “deep cleaning.” But I’m guessing that’s not the type of pain you are experiencing.
Because of the infection of the gums, there is a potential for post-operative pain. That doesn’t always happen, but if the infection is particularly active, the deep cleaning can provoke it. It’s sounding to me like this is what you are experiencing. The way to handle that would be with antibacterial agents. One possible way would be to have you on a course of antibiotics for the duration of the deep cleaning appointments. So, for example, your deep cleaning could take four appointments. They could be done over a two-week period with you taking the antibiotics for the duration.
My recommendation to you would be to find another dentist. Given the difficulties you’ve had, I would go to a periodontist (gum specialist) and when you make the appointment, I would explain your experiences so far and ask them what they would plan to do to make this tolerable for you. A periodontist should have a lot of experience with your type of case.
The bottom line—your gum infection is clearly serious and needs to be solved or your teeth will end up falling out.
– Dr. Hall
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.
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