“Bout 3 months ago my teeth just starting falling out root and all the whole tooth. I been using crazy glue but it is starting to mess up the inside of my mouth and it hurts all the time the crazy glue is killing me cause when I’m inhaling it but I have to leave the house and I want let people see me with out teeth but I only go out when I have to I have no life I stay home out the times I don’t date I want go out with friends please help me.”
– (we’re not posting a name with this question)
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Unfortunately, I don’t think I have a good answer for this poor woman. There is an answer, but it’s not a good one that she’s going to like. I’m writing this blog post because I think it’s interesting what she has tried to do.
First I want to comment on the severity of her gum disease and the hopelessness of trying to get these teeth to stay in, even with crazy glue or superglue. I have seen gum disease so bad that the teeth fall out spontaneously, and to be that bad the teeth already have to be dangling somewhat from the root. Here is a photograph of the teeth of a patient with advanced periodontal disease. As bad as this is, it’s not nearly the stage of periodontitis that this woman is experiencing.

Photograph courtesy of Dr. David Mastro, Roswell, GA
This patient’s lower four incisors are getting close to being loose enough to fall out, but they’re not that bad yet. Imagine a little more of the root showing—this is what this woman had.
Putting them back in with crazy glue or superglue? These glues have cyanoacryate, which is is an excellent soft tissue adhesive, but it would only hold for a day or two, maximum. I’m guessing that from my experience with this glue. And the teeth would still flop around, but they will flop around as a group rather than individually.
My guess is that it’s been a number of years since this woman visited a dentist. Otherwise, she would have been warned about teeth close to falling out. And even now, she is trying to solve the problem herself without the benefit of professional care.
She needs a dentist badly now, and my guess is that none of the teeth are savable at this point. She needs removable dentures or dental implants.
– Dr. Hall
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.