I have 6 veneers on my front teeth. I have had them for three years. I am starting to get very sensitive to cold or hot on one of them. Is this normal? I didn’t think I could get a cavity with veneers, can I? How is a cavity fixed?
—Michelle from Ohio
Yes, it is possible to get a tooth decay with porcelain veneers. The porcelain itself can’t decay, but any part of the tooth that isn’t covered by the veneer can still get a cavity.
The good news is that this kind of cavity is easy to fix, as long as the dentist catches it early, so be sure you are faithful with your regular checkups. It is also easy to see. There isn’t really much difference between fixing a cavity on just your natural teeth, versus having the veneers. It’s the same process. There is one slight difference if it occurs right next to the porcelain, which is that a special bonding procedure needs to be used to bond the composite filling material to the porcelain.
The junction at the edge of the veneer is the most susceptible place for decay. But we really see very little decay around veneers, because these patients seem to take much better care of their teeth once they’ve invested in a beautiful smile. Brush, floss, and watch between-meal snacks. Check our page about techniques for maintaining cosmetic dental work, or the page about care of porcelain veneers. You may also want to read about the porcelain veneer procedure.
Read why a tooth can become sensitive to heat or sensitive to cold.
—Dr. David Hall
Click here to ask Dr. Hall a question of your own.
Related information:
- Nancy from California had a problem with some bulky Lumineers. The dentist thought they were just fine, but Nancy was extremely disappointed and ended up leaving the office in tears. Dr. Hall tells her what to do now.
- Some advertising is being conducted for MAC veneers, claiming they are the best and the most frequently prescribed by cosmetic dentists. Dr. Hall advises to pick the cosmetic dentist, not the brand of porcelain.
- Click here for referral to an expert cosmetic dentist.
- Click here to return to the frequent questions about cosmetic dentistry page.