Here is how this laser tooth whitening technique is done. There is a little confusion in the use of this term. While a small number of dentists actually use a laser to help whiten the teeth, this term is usually used for any power bleaching treatment that uses a potent bleaching gel and an activating light. It has the strength to lighten the color of the teeth dramatically in a single session. Though for lasting effect, the patient either needs to have several appointments, or to follow up the in-office procedure wearing at-home bleaching trays. The following are photographs of this procedure:
First, the teeth need to be exposed and isolated. The light has to have access to all the visible surfaces of the teeth, so retractors are placed to gently pull the lips and cheeks away.
A napkin is placed over the lips and cheeks to shield them from the whitening gel. Then a coating is placed over the gums. The bleaching gel is irritating to soft tissues, and so it must be kept confined to the teeth with these techniques
Then the Zoom light is focused on the teeth. The gel penetrates into the teeth, and it is activated by the light. The gel releases oxygen inside the tooth, and the oxygen provides the bleaching action.
At the end of the appointment, the teeth are dramatically whiter.
*Photos courtesy of Discus Dental, the makers of Zoom whitening equipment. Zoom is the leading brand of laser whitening equipment.
Laser tooth whitening uses a light, combined with the peroxide bleaching gel, to maximize the speed and power of tooth whitening.
To find a cosmetic dentist who is expert in tooth bleaching, please see our cosmetic dentist referral page.
This content was written by Dr. David Hall. Click here to ask Dr. Hall a question.