We continue to get requests from visitors to find excellent cosmetic dentists for them, and I thought it would be helpful to explain the process we go through for this.
Here’s how we go about finding a cosmetic dentist. We start with lists of dentists with cosmetic dentistry education credentials. With those dentists who appear to have the necessary education credentials, we will then examine photographs of their work. Sometimes they will have photographs displayed on their website that have enough detail so that we can adequately evaluate them. If not, we will ask the dentist to send us photographs of their work. Someone asked me once whether that leaves us vulnerable to being deceived by a dentist who will re-touch the photo. In ten years of doing this, I have never had a case where I had reason to suspect that has been done. Furthermore, my experience is that the dentist who is not an artistic cosmetic dentist doesn’t even know how to alter the photograph to make it meet our standards. If they knew how to create beautiful cosmetic dentistry with Photo Shop, they would know how to demand that quality of work from their dental laboratory. Then the final step is I interview the dentist on the phone. If they pass all of this, I explain your needs to them, give them your name and contact information, and then I also send you an e-mail explaining why I recommend this particular dentist. After the referral is made, we will then ask the dentist to help support the website by becoming a sponsor. The sponsorship fees are modest, and most of the time they will agree to becoming a sponsor.
Most of the dentists recommended on mynewsmile.com are sponsors, but not all of them are. The criteria for being listed are the educational credentials and the quality of the work.
Occasionally we get requests from dentists who find out about us and they ask to be listed. I go through pretty much the same process with them. I will examine photographs of their work, looking for specific details that tell me that the work is of high esthetic quality. I also check educational credentials, and ask questions. Most of these requests are declined, but sometimes the dentist is approved to be listed.
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.
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