Hi Dr. Hall, I am considering Lumineers. I am 27 and have had braces of which my second tooth on the left side has gapped again. In addition, I have bonding on my front teeth from a corner chip and general wear. My bite is good though.
I saw the pictures of Alexandra from Kentucky and this is the result I am looking for. I went through a Lumineer consultation and felt as though the pictures looked bulky and a bit too round. Is there someone in my area with the artistic touch to achieve the results from Alexandra’s picture?
– Nicole from Baltimore
I’m worried about your looking for Lumineers. Read the pages on this website carefully. Alexandra from Kentucky did not have Lumineers – she had a different brand of ultra-thin veneers. This is an important difference. In the years since Lumineers were introduced, I have not seen photographs of a single case that I thought was a beautiful result with Lumineers. There are DURAthin veneers and other brands of ultra-thin veneers that have produced beautiful results that I have seen. The public talks a lot about Lumineers because they advertise a lot, but the expert cosmetic dentists know that there are other brands that give a much nicer result.
And yes, you have a couple of excellent choices of cosmetic dentists in the Baltimore area with an artistic touch that will give you beautiful results like Alexandra’s.
I would advise you to not look for a dentist who advertises as a Lumineers dentist. The Lumineers commercials make them look attractive, but their are trademark restrictions when dentists use the Lumineers brand, and they have to use the Lumineers laboratory, and in my opinion and the opinion of other cosmetic dentists, they don’t do the greatest lab work.
Dr. Hall
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.
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