Does someone in your family snore? Or are you the offending party, frustrated at your inability to stop this annoying practice? If so, there is a simple device that can help you. Flexible and comfortable enough to wear throughout the night, the Klearway® snoring prevention device is designed for nightly use. There are other similar devices made by other manufacturers. They are called mandibular advancement appliances, and they are the most effective non-surgical treatment for snoring of which we are aware.
What causes snoring?
During sleep, the relaxation of muscles and soft tissues in the throat and mouth make your breathing passage smaller. When you have a smaller passageway and there is air going through it, the air will increase in velocity. When this happens, soft tissues like the uvula and the soft palate right in front of it vibrate. This is a physiological description of snoring.
Several factors can aggravate snoring. Excess body weight, sedatives, and alcohol consumption all can increase the severity of snoring.
At certain levels of severity, asphyxiation can occur. The soft palate, uvula, and/or tongue can completely block the flow of air. If the period of asphyxiation lasts longer than 10 seconds, this is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Surgical techniques are frequently recommended to help eliminate snoring. These can include removing soft tissues in the back of the throat, such as the uvula, enlarged tonsils and adenoids. This will enlarge the breathing passages or reduce the amount of soft tissue that can vibrate.
In cases where the obstruction is severe or life-threatening, such as with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, surgery may be the preferred treatment. For the majority of snorers, however, such drastic measures may not be needed. You may find that the most affordable, non-invasive, and effective snore solution remains a mandibular advancement appliance such as theKlearway®.
A diagram showing how theKlearway® device helps keep the airway more open
Snoring Treatment
The Klearway® helps keep the oral breathing passages open by allowing uninhibited oral breathing. It doesn’t interfere at all with breathing through the mouth. Even in cases of nasal congestion, it still works.
Also, the Klearway® allows small movements of the jaw. This is important for the sake of comfort. You will find that, after a night of wearing theKlearway®, stiffness in the joints of the jaw in the morning will be minimized. It may produce a slight sensation of the jaws being out of alignment upon wakening. This is because of an overnight buildup of lymphatic fluid in the jaw joint. You will find that this feeling subsides in a matter of minutes.
You will also find that the Klearway® device helps promote deeper, more restful sleep. When you are not snoring, your sleep isn’t interrupted as much. You breathe more easily, so it is natural that you sleep better.
This content was written by Dr. David Hall. Click here to ask Dr. Hall a question.