Hello Dr. Hall,
Wouldn’t just going to Lumineers.com to find a qualified dentist to do porcelain veneers significantly reduce some of these problems created by work done by unqualified general dentists? I have gotten quite serious about fixing my two crooked front teeth but now feel discouraged. Thanks for your time.
– Donna from Las Vegas
The dentists listed on Lumineers.com are almost all general dentists. Some of them may be expert cosmetic dentists but most of them aren’t. There is no test they have to pass, no examination of their work, no screening of the dentists for artistic ability or training in cosmetic dentistry in order to get listed on Lumineers.com. They attract a lot of dentists who don’t know much about cosmetic dentistry because their appeal is that Lumineers are so easy to place. You are leaving yourself wide open for disappointment if you go that route.
And if you have just your two front teeth that you want fixed, in my opinion, you’d be making a big mistake by going to a “Lumineers” dentist. You want an expert cosmetic dentist. Why do you think that Lumineers is the solution? Do you realize that the Lumineers advertising talks about just pasting the Lumineers over your teeth without any preparation beforehand? This will make your two front teeth a little thicker and about two millimeters longer than they are now. Do you understand how funny that will look? You need your whole smile done with the Lumineers technique to have any chance that it looks normal. And if your two front teeth are crooked, you really need the sides that are sticking out in front the most to be shaved back at least a little, or your teeth will end up looking and feeling very thick. Don’t look for shortcuts, Donna. Please don’t, for your own sake.
There’s no need to be discouraged. Check out our Nevada cosmetic dentists. Dr. Featherstone in Las Vegas is not only an excellent cosmetic dentist but a great guy. Pay him a visit, and he’ll probably share with you a couple of options for fixing your problem, but Lumineers won’t be one of them.
– Dr. Hall
Related information:
More information about fixing crooked teeth.
Click here for referral to an expert cosmetic dentist.
Click here if you want to ask Dr. Hall a question.
Vivaneers are a brand of veneers very similar to Lumineers.
About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.