Dr. Hall,
Does Supersmile toothpaste come without fluoride? My search was “do zirconia crowns stain” This site told me how to properly take care of my bridge. Happy I found this. Thank you for providing this information.
Susan from Arizona
You’re right that Supersmile is a great product for keeping stains off teeth. However, all Supersmile products have a small amount of fluoride in them.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, and it’s virtually impossible to avoid ingesting it. When it is in toothpaste, the object is for it to bathe your teeth briefly in a small concentration of fluoride, which helps re-mineralize early decay spots. And then you rinse and spit. But otherwise, most natural well water has some fluoride in it, as well as canned juices and vegetables, soda, milk, and most other products that are liquids or that are processed with water. When I practiced in Iowa, we would sometimes have families come in from surrounding farms who drank well water. We would get samples of their well water and send it in for analysis. It always had some fluoride in it.
The efforts of dentists to encourage the use of fluoride is, to me, an evidence of the basic altruism of the profession. It does reduce tooth decay, which means less work for dentists. And while is is possible to get too much fluoride , in small amounts it is very healthy. It is of the same elemental family as table salt (sodium) and potassium. You can get too much sodium, but getting no sodium would be fatal. And the right amount of potassium is also essential to life, but if it is injected directly into a vein, it could stop your heart and kill you.
About your zirconia crowns or bridge – they should be very resistant to stain. Usually the core is made out of pure zirconia and it has a porcelain coating baked onto it. As long as the glaze on that porcelain is intact, it should resist almost any kind of stain. The advantage of Supersmile toothpaste is in its gentleness to the margin of the zirconia crown, which is a luting composite that would be vulnerable to stain and also to wear.
– Dr. Hall
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.
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