Dr. Hall
I had porcelain veneers put on my teeth over 10 years ago. They have shifted a bit and I would like to get them redone as well as adding some on my bottom teeth. However, as this is not covered by my insurance I was wondering if I could find a less expensive way to accomplish this by serving as a patient to a graduate student. Do you know if this is possible? I am willing to travel if the price difference is significant. Any information you could provide would be appreciated. Thank you.
– Jennifer in Pennsylvania
The idea of traveling to find a lower fee for porcelain veneers is a possibility. When you get into smaller cities or different states you can get into lower fee areas and still have beautiful cosmetic dentistry. But be sure you go to an expert cosmetic dentist. Most of the dentists who advertise as cosmetic dentists aren’t really what I would call cosmetic dentists. They don’t have the artistic talent to be able to create a beautiful smile. But the idea of getting a new smile done for a lesser cost at a dental school is a very bad idea and won’t work, and I’ll explain why.
You need to understand that dentistry and cosmetic dentistry are two different things. Dentistry is a profession that fixes broken teeth. Cosmetic dentistry is a profession that creates beautiful smiles. They are two very different fields. Only one or two percent of dentists have the artistic inclinations to be cosmetic dentists. I would no sooner go to a dental school and ask them to create a beautiful set of porcelain veneers than I would pay my plumber to decorate the inside of my house. Even if he’s a really good plumber.
What’s the point of doing new porcelain veneers if they aren’t beautiful? If you don’t have the money, then I’d leave things alone. Your teeth probably work okay and this is something that can wait.
– Dr. Hall
Related links:
Read more about the cost of porcelain veneers, the cost of Lumineers, and the cost of cosmetic dentistry in general.
GlamSmile is offered as a low-cost option for porcelain veneers. But Dr. Hall has some grave reservations about the results.
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Click here to find a cosmetic dentist.
About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.
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