Dr. Hall,
I had a plastic partial plate on my lower, to replace two missing teeth. Since getting it, I have had burning on my tongue, below my tongue, and an extremely bad taste. My lip also burns. The dentist told me I was allergic to the plate. I ask if there was a different material he could use and he said no and said I need over $4000 for a bridge.
I can not afford that. I am hurting so bad. I need help. Is there an alternative product to use? Food taste horrible. He gave me a liquid compound with Lidocaine, Viscous (Lidocaine Hydrochloride Oral Topical Solution USP). It numbs my mouth and lasts for approximately 15 minutes.
– Lynda from Tulsa, OK
(See Dr. Hall’s answer below.)
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I’m not getting a good feeling about your dentist. While it looks like he is right that you are having an allergic reaction, I have two problems with what he is telling you.
First, there are several different materials that can be used to make a partial plate. Yes, you could have a fixed bridge to replace your teeth, and that would solve your problem. But to try to push you into that when you can’t afford it and there are other options available, I have a problem with that approach.
Second, to prescribe a lidocaine rinse for your allergy seems really strange. As you said, it gives you relief for about 15 minutes. Does he expect you to rinse 50 times a day? I don’t understand that. If you’re allergic to your partial you should leave it out until you can find a material that doesn’t cause an allergic reaction.
I would tell your dentist that I told you there are other materials that can be used for your partial. If he is willing to work with you, I would go to an allergist for tests to find a material that won’t cause an allergic reaction. Your medical insurance should cover that, so hopefully that will be affordable for you. If your dentist won’t work with you on that, I’d find another dentist.
Your Allergy to Your Partial
About your allergy. First, your symptoms are classic symptoms of allergy. This type of allergy is called contact dermatitis. The burning feeling in your tongue and your lips are classic symptoms.
But what is the material? There are a couple of common materials that could be used in a plastic partial. The one more likely to give you an allergic reaction would be acrylic. This is the cheapest material for a partial and the easiest to make.

A Valplast Partial
If there is any metal in your partial, that could also be a source of allergy. If the metal has nickel in it, that is a common allergy. Other dental metals have been known to cause an allergy.
I hope this is helpful.
– Dr. Hall
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.