Dr. Hall,
I have recently gotten ALL of my teeth crowned. My old teeth were ground down to almost nothing, the front ones were paper thin and chipping daily and on the bottom left I was missing #21 and top right missing #3 and #4. I have also in the past had many unfortunate traumas to my jaw so it clicked loudly all the time when opening.
The dentist said I needed to have my bite opened in order to get my front teeth restored (all I actually wanted in the beginning was just top/bottom front teeth done) He said it would not be possible to do without doing my whole mouth. Fast forward to now, got bottom done all at once and was told that would be the hardest part for me to endure, it wasn’t it was a piece of cake compared to the pain I had for 3 weeks with the top ones. So anyway now i have had the new top ones in for 2 days and I will say they LOOK beautiful no complaints on the smile but the left side teeth touch whilst the right side has a space and my teeth do not touch at all 19-21 bridge not touching but bridge 2-5 hits fast and hard and my jaw is killing me.
He did cement them in with permanent cement and now my question to you is can he file this bridge down enough so my other side will hit and then can he polish it so my ground down rough teeth will not ruin my new crowns on bottom, or does the fixed bridge need to come out and be re-done. We have spent so much money on this and while we do have insurance it covered next to nothing and my husband is in the military and we cannot afford to have all this redone. I am really stressed out and any help you can give would be appreciated.
Thank you 🙂
– Erin from Alabama
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You have had what is called a full mouth reconstruction. This is a highly complex procedure because it re-does your entire mouth and your bite. Dental school alone doesn’t train a dentist enough to be able to perform this kind of a procedure – it requires advanced training and/or considerable experience. And there are several well-known institutes that provide this advanced training. There is the Pankey Institute in Florida, and the Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study, also in Florida. Another is the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.
But even with that advanced training, these complex procedures should proceed cautiously, especially in situations like yours where the bite is being opened. It should first be opened with temporary crowns and then the bite adjusted with the temporary crowns until you are comfortable with the new vertical dimension. When that is settled, then the permanent crowns are made to replicate the new opening.
But that isn’t all. The crowns and bridgework should be seated temporarily and adjusted to a comfortable bite BEFORE being cemented permanently. And you are a perfect illustration of why this should be done. Here you are, already with TMJ problems (you mentioned loud clicking in your jaw) and apparently over-closed. And now crowns are cemented and your bite is off. Yes, the case needs to be re-done, and the dentist who did this is responsible for that. And if you have lost trust in him, then you need to have this done somewhere else and have this dentist pay for it.
Here’s the problem. Yes, the bridge that is throwing your bite off could theoretically be ground down in your mouth to where your bite is even. But from the sounds of your description (the other side isn’t meeting at all), it would take a tremendous amount of bite adjustment, and he would likely be grinding all the way through the porcelain in some places. Plus, the whole object of the treatment was to open your bite, and now he is going in and grinding it down, so your vertical dimension is going to be off. And this amount of change in the bite is much more difficult to do correctly in the mouth than in the laboratory. The crowns should have been carefully crafted in the laboratory to provide the proper bite relationship with all the cusps, grooves, and other anatomical features precisely mapped out so that your jaw functions correctly.
Having said this, it doesn’t take much for the bridge to throw your bite off enough to be painful. Maybe the discrepancy is only a fraction of a millimeter and it just feels to you like it is a lot. In that case maybe it could be adjusted to fit. And maybe he did try it in temporarily and it fit fine, but in the final cementation something went wrong and it didn’t fully seat. But if that did happen, at least the bridge should be re-done.
I would suggest a second opinion. You want a dentist who has been trained at one of the three institutes I mentioned to help give you assurance that they know what they are talking about, and I would suggest going out of town for the second opinion, to avoid any conflicts with dentists who may be buddies or competitors, which would interfere with getting an honest second opinion.
– Dr. Hall
About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.