Dr. Hall,
I am so happy to find your website. You are really helpful to people like me.
I am an Asian Indian woman. I am getting my crowns done and really very excited to see my transformation. My complexion is fair but I am not white. I have broad smile where all my teeth shows. I want to go for a bright teeth look. I am leaning towards BL2 but I need your opinion if that will be too bright? I am open for BL3 and BL4 shades too as long as it does not look like a regular teeth which is maintained well. I want great looking teeth. Please help me. Thank you very kindly:)
– Dr. Mehta
(See Dr. Hall’s answer below.)
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Dear Dr. Mehta,
You can’t make this decision based on your complexion alone—it depends on your personality. If you want your teeth to look natural, I wouldn’t go any whiter than a BL4. But you say you want a bright teeth look, which leads me to think you may want to go even whiter. If you want to “light up the room,” you can go as white as BL1, the lightest of the bleached extension shades on the new shade guides.
An excellent cosmetic dentist, whenever they do a smile makeover, will do a provisional makeover in some type of resin to let you try out the color to see how you like it. If your dentist doesn’t do that regularly, that’s an indication that he or she probably doesn’t have the expertise in cosmetic dentistry that you need. Find a dentist who routinely does provisional crowns or veneers when they do a smile makeover, and then wear those provisionals for a while to see if you like the color.
– Dr. Hall
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About David A. Hall
Dr. David A. Hall was one of the first 40 accredited cosmetic dentists in the world. He practiced cosmetic dentistry in Iowa, and in 1990 earned his accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is now president of Infinity Dental Web, a company in Mesa, Arizona that does advanced internet marketing for dentists.